Hutchins offers a varied program of career-focused activities designed to assist senior students develop the tools and life-skills they need to effectively plan and implement their successful transition to life after Hutchins – whether that be travel, further study or employment and training.
Students are encouraged to participate in activities that will assist them develop a customised career action plan that will support their on-going career development decision-making.
The Careers services that are available for students from Years 9–12 include:
- Individualised career counselling, combined with course selection for Years 9–11
- Morrisby Report – career guidance profiling for all Year 10 students
- Participation in “The Project” – careers curriculum for all Year 9 students
- Guidance with selection and applications for tertiary courses at local and interstate institutions
- Opportunity to participate in “Taster Programs” (industry-specific career programs) and UTAS faculty activity days
- Personal consultations for both parents and students regarding career and course decisions
- Access to up-to-date relevant career and course information
- Optional work experience placements in Years 10–12
- Support and assistance with access and participation in school-based traineeships
- Access to a range of Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses in Years 11 and 12, possibly conducted at other college campuses
- Resume, applications and job interview guidance
- Participation in optional short courses – RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol), First Aid, White Card and the Hutchins Hospitality Service Course
The University of Tasmania, major mainland universities, Defence Force Recruiting, Volunteer Gap/Exchange Organisations and industry representatives visit the School regularly to provide transition and program information to all students.
To achieve the desired outcomes this has to be a shared task between all staff, the tertiary education and training providers, parents and students.
Â黨ӰԺ from parents, Old Boys and others, interested in establishing co-operative partnerships to help achieve this, is welcomed by the Career Education & Vocational Learning Officer, Mr Paul Bonnitcha on (03) 6221 4271.